This post is an attempt to summarize my previous explanations of my theories for reality, God and man. I can simply be summarized by the following equality:
reality = man = God
This means we are all Gods, we are part of God and that everything that is part of reality is also God. If one assumes this equality, than many other explanations may arise to the unanswered questions about the world we live in, including the previously mentioned theories, but also explanations provided by religions in general. Many bible citations could be explained by assuming this axiom, as well as other deliberations that were mentioned in past posts, such as enlightenment, reincarnation and the Holy Trinity.
In addition, explanations for supernatural beings could also be provided, such as the existence of ghosts, UFOs/aliens, etc. As a matter of fact, the RUT theory is much like any other religion that tries to come up with explanations to the world using as a basis entities or concepts that cannot be proved or disproved, but believed in instead. So, if you believe in it, you could you use it as basis to prove almost anything.
The RUT theory is just another Disneyland for the ones looking for answers. It is a simple axiom that masks the world with an appearance of being less frightening and filled with uncertainties.
The only thing certain in this life is that it has an end. Look into the depth of yourself and face your naked soul. It is only then that you will find the peace to persist in the strenuous and unpredictable path of existence.
I hate to see me naked!