Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Multiple Realities: Realities within Realities

The Many Meanings of Reality

Imagine the objective reality (OR), the reality in which each of us humans is immersed in. Imagine now that each of us, and potentially every other entity in OR is a reality in itself, be it a mouse, a tree or a grain of sand. In a gist, that is what multiple realities is all about. Thanks for reading. See you in the  next post.

No, that is just not it. I obviously want to write a lot more about this topic and its many conjectures.

As explained in a previous post, every sentient being has its own perspective of reality. This is what is called as subjective reality (SR). Conceptually speaking, it could be said that the meaning of “reality” as part of the concept of subjective reality is different from the one used to define objective reality. For example, the meaning of the word “reality” in the following two sentences are similar, but not exactly the same.

“The reality of the homeless is at best appalling.”
“World of Warcraft: why are virtual realities so addictive?”

While the former defines reality from a more situational and subjective perspective, the latter identifies and entire world that encompasses all beings and situations within it, not a specific group. Even though I agree that these uses of “reality” convey slightly different meanings, in this post, I intend to claim that both these cases deal with realities, but in different stages of development. Even by claiming so, I must agree that the perspectives presented below of different realities is still slightly different from the examples above, which are far more explicit in highlighting differences in the meaning of the word reality. Anyhow, let us move on and see how text will hopefully disentangle the ideas in my head.

Taxonomy of Reality

The main idea is that the objective reality (OR) spawns new baby realities within itself. These baby realities attached to different bodies are initially called subjective realities (SRs) because they represent the perspective of a single entity attached to a physical part of the objective reality.

Depending on their level of growth as realities, SRs can be bound to different types of bodies or even unbound to a body. As mentioned in a previous post, SRs bound to bodies were called body-bound realities (BBRs). Body-unbound realities are realities that reached the highest level of maturity and hence have become objective realities (ORs) themselves. Hence, a body-unbound reality (BUR) is the same as an objective reality (OR). As also previously mentioned, SRs can be aware of their reality natures or not. Therefore, BBRs can be classified as aware (ABBRs) or unaware (UBBRs).

The Growth Process of a Reality

The more aware of their reality nature SRs are, the more power they will have in altering themselves as realities, even while still being a BBR. This could be associated with the concepts of self-cultivation, meditation and spiritual growth. It is by this process that SRs better understand that they are more than the human vessel, that the body is just an interface to a reality, but that one's reality is in fact the one within. The more aware of its own nature as a reality and SR is, the more mature it becomes.

This could also bring about an explanation for why we dream. Perhaps dreams are not just replays of our experiences in reality, but rather they are a compilation for the SR of its experience so it can used for its own growth as a reality. Another explanation would be that they are testing their learned experiences as an SR in a kind of a mock-up room within themselves. Better yet, they reflect the evolution of the SR within itself as it experiences the OR in which it is immersed. Therefore, dreams are but a reflection of the construction of a new reality (SRs) within one's inner self. Wow, I like that sentence! :)

The process of maturation of an SR into an OR may take more than one cycle within the OR in which they are immersed. This means, that a reality might be reborn in many bodies until it is fully matured and ready to become an OR. This cyclic process is very similar, if not identical to the concept of reincarnation. And with such a concept then the following question arises: Do SRs start in vessels of less sentient beings and then progress to vessels of more sentient beings as they mature or the opposite? Or, perhaps, this vessel selection process is random, right?

Choosing Your Body: Anything Can Happen

As with everything in this blog, all is possible. It all depends on your imagination. Even though I try to show some arguments to validate my supposedly logical thinking, I am certain most people who attempt to read this text will think I am guy on a very wild trip.

As I have never used drugs, I will progress with my dissection of my theories of reality and will, now, attempt to show arguments that favor each of these three possibilities about the vessel selection process for SRs. The reader may then have their preference over which of these seems more plausible or even come up with his/her own explanation.
  • From less sentient to more sentient vessels: It makes sense that SRs start with less sentient beings as body vessels because this would be a way to gradually learn about the process of sensing the OR in which they are immersed and born. It would prevent them from perceiving OR as paradoxical and, hence, protect SRs from losing their way on maturation and understanding what it means to be a reality.

    An analogy with the human school system could be made in this case. SRs start learning simple ideas and views of reality with basic sensory mechanisms that allow the understanding of primal needs such as dying, feeding and breeding. Then, as SRs bodily vessels evolve, they understand abstract concepts such as social groups, political structures, mathematics and philosophy. As the SR matures more, it is capable of grasping concepts that involve spirituality, compassion, tolerance, self-cultivation. Finally, when close to full maturity as an OR, it evolves to vessels that allow higher levels of understanding of reality that I myself am not evolved enough to imagine. When mature SRs are able to comprehend the nuances of reality, they are mature enough to become ORs themselves. How much of reality needs to actually be understood, I have no idea.

  • From more sentient to less sentient: It makes sense that SRs start in vessels of more sentient beings because they still need to learn a lot about reality. They are new to the process of understanding reality.

    Again, making an analogy to the human educational process, the student that needs to learn more generally needs more help from the instructor. As the student becomes more proficient, the professor is there only to provide guidance from time to time. Hence, immature SRs would need more input from their sentient vessels about the OR they were born in than mature ones. As SRs mature and become more aware of themselves as realities, they depend less on what they perceive in the OR, with exception of their basic needs to make their body vessel survive. they encounter themselves in a higher meditative state, more detached from the OR. At the highest levels of maturity, they may even be encapsulated in insentient entities, such as stones or grains of sand, whose bodies need not depend on feeding, breeding and dying. Stones may become grains of sand, magma, but they don't care. The SRs attached to them do not care about it because they are so close to being ORs themselves.

    More interestingly, perhaps, would be that SRs would not need to pass through the process of being embodied in a vessel that is insentient. Perhaps, as explained in the previous bullet, SRs reach a level of independence and insensitivity inside the OR that they completely detach themselves from the OR and becomes themselves a new OR. And that would be the birth of a new reality.

    Personally, I like this explanation for vessel selection, because it implies that less sentient and insentient entities are actually vessels for more evolved SRs and should then be treated with a certain level of reverence. This would be a great justification for treating nature, resources and food with the respect that I think they actually deserve.

  • Random vessel selection process: From the point-of-view of the OR as the caterer for the maturing SRs, it makes sense that this selection process be random. Having a random order of vessel experiences for each different SRs will lead them to experience different maturation processes. Hence, each mature SR may become an OR that is actually very different from each other and the original SR. And if you consider the different sets of individual experiences and situations each vessel presents the SR with during its existence, this adds even more diversification to the maturation process of SRs.

    Such a diversification may be reasonably justifiable based on humans own experience of different processes. For example, if two people go through the same set of experiences in different orders, they may have different perspectives from each of these. Even if the two people go through this set of experiences in the same order, they may experience and learn different things at the end. Humans are biased based on the order with which these experiences were presented to them and how their perspectives affect this presentation as well as their distinct perceptual mechanisms (different bodies, different sensitivity). The idea would then be the same behind the maturation process for SRs, that is, using randomness and chaos to form new, more diverse objective realities.

All for One, One for All

There is still one important unanswered question I can now think of. Once an SR matures and becomes an OR, where does it go to? Is there a reality space that encompasses both the mother OR and its OR children?

Well, an explanation that I like is borrowed from the ideas of reality and God presented by Boto de Gatas. Boto de Gatas, please correct me if I am wrong. The idea is that OR contains itself and the new mature SRs, that are now ORs. It is as if these mature SRs have become new versions of the original ORs and exist in parallel with and within the original OR. It works much like parallel universes. The inclusions of ORs within itself is the best way for an OR to grow as a reality: it makes copies of itself within itself. 

Hold on a second, that does not make any sense. Am I saying that a reality contains multiple realities, including itself? How can a reality contain itself plus other realities. This would imply in two concepts of reality, a reality container C and realities instances that are contained by the reality container C, right?

Wrong. This counter-argument is based on a perspective derived from the limitations imposed to us humans by the physical reality as we know it. Remember, the objective reality encompasses everything that is within itself. If new realities are created within an OR, they are part of OR, even if they are not part of the same physical reality any longer. And remember, these ORs that evolved from the maturation of SRs will themselves create their own SRs within, repeating the cycle of reality creation to a second level. And such cycle can go on indefinitely.

A few analogies to this process would be having bubble within bubbles, a tree or a multi-cell organism. A branch in a tree has other smaller branches within it self. As it grows, other smaller branches grow on these smaller branches, but they are all part of the same original branch. Now imagine the growth of a multi-cellular organism. The process starts with a single cell. This cell then splits in half, generating two cells. These two cells then split half again and the process continues. At the end, which one is the cell that originated the whole process? None of them? All of them?

Let us assume the reader accepted this, modesty aside, ingenious but not very novel explanation. Let us assume that one reality can contain itself and the realities that were created within itself. Then, wouldn't this mean that, at some point in time and space - and whatever other dimensions exist in reality - there was a single reality that started this whole process? If so, wouldn't it mean that there is in fact only one reality and not multiple realities and, hence, the title of this post is completely wrong?

As the perfect conclusion for this eerily long post, my answer to this question is: it depends! :)

If you think that everything started with one reality, then yes, you could potentially say that everything is actually contained in this one reality, the mother of all realities.

If you think that this reality is actually composed of multiple realities that may be identical or different from each other, than, no, there are actually multiple realities out there coexisting and growing within themselves in a an infinite tree of realities: realities within realities.

And perhaps they are not even related to each other after all. Maybe, in analogy to multi-cellular organisms, they are part of of what could be called a multi-reality (or a multi-verse?). What is outside of a multi-verse then?

There is no outside. Woo...scary.

It is up to the reader to decide what explanation suits him/her best.

Many questions may still be unanswered, such as the following:
  • Assuming and orderly selection of vessels for SRs, can SRs make evolution mistakes step back in the vessel selection process? Can they skip steps if they mature faster than others?
  • How has the initial reality come into existence?
  • Is there an end to the growth process of a multi-reality, much like there is a stop in any multi-cellular growth process known to men? If so, what would the end result be? What pattern would a multi-reality form when it is mature?

P.S.: I just hope I have made any sense out of my self in this post. I have reviewed it, but I still have the feeling that there will be mistakes I missed. Readers, please, let me know.

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