Friday, February 10, 2012

Now, really, what is reality? Only God knows.

One sees reality from his own perspective. This perspective is what will be called here as subjective reality (SR).

However, regardless of how one sees or perceives reality, there is the reality that is out there happening all the time. This second reality is going to be called objective reality (OR). Let us talk about objective reality.

Is OR larger than the universe?  Well, if reality is really everything that is out there, it must definitely encompass our universe. Better yet, it should encompass every existing universe, if there are actually more than one of course. It not only contains everything, but also contains everything and the rules that defines the behavior of everything.

So, objective reality could then be described in more detail as:  all that exists, everything, every being, every feeling, every atom, all corners of space, the lack of space, and all the rules governing them.

Hum...Well, I am not a renowned philosopher or theologian, but this definition sounds pretty similar to other definitions for other concepts I have heard in the past.

I have been raised in catholic schools and have always been taught that God is omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent. He is everywhere, in everyone of us, that it is love, compassion, charity, etc. Well, it appears to me that human language has found ways to describe the same concept using different words according to the context with which a conversation or argument is driven.

I am certain many people feel offended with such an analogy. Others probably feel indifferent. From my perspective, however, humanity needs to discuss these topics with an open mind. Many misfortunes happen simply because we cannot agree or agree to disagree about such controversial topics.

Perhaps, by doing this, we will be able to understand that, diverse though our religious and philosophical perspectives might be, they all hide a common face behind their veils of socio-cultural self-preservation: the naked soul that is inside every human being, an entity that incites us to be creative, curious and compassionate. A soul that struggles to persuade the body to go against its nature and that not always follow the body's advice. A body that hosts the soul itself and allows it to have the ultimate experience: being real and comprehending existence.

Read what is encoded inside to be able to decode what is outside. Where have I heard similar words?

Only when we see that we all share this common core, despite our lack of ability to control our own bodies and its survival instincts, we will be able to better cooperate to improve everyone's experience in this shared journey through reality.

But, let us leave the expansion of such discussion to the posts that will follow.


  1. Does outside reality encompass all the subjective realities there are? Or are they separate things altogether?

  2. Yes, as long as subjective realities are part of beings such as ourselves, they are still inside of the outermost objective reality. Well, could subjective realities be outside objective reality? This is a topic for another post.

  3. Considering the first affirmative of the post, I believe the relation between SR and OR isn’t an encompassing one… maybe more of a symbiotic one. SR would be the interpretation given by the sentient creature to its surroundings and to everything happening out there – in other words, to the OR. They’re the two sides of a same coin. Thus, each sentient being has his own and unique SR, influenced by his past experiences and acquired knowledge, but based on the same OR. And both realities intricately interrelate. While the OR sets the common ground for the SR, the sentient beings act and alter the OR based on their convictions acquired through their SR`s.

    1. I agree with everything you said. The main point of disagreement was the encompassing of reality. This SR-OR relationship could potentially be interpreted in different ways for the periods before and after SRs are mature realities, assuming such a distinction even takes place. But, as human beings interacting with the reality we are immersed in, we must agree that there exists such a relationship between SRs and ORs, regardless of whether ORs contain the forming SR realities or whether SRs are just immersed in OR and interacting with it through an interface that is the body/vessel/avatar that contains or represents it. All of this will hopefully be covered in further detail in future blogs, when I will try to explain the different ways I have tried to imagine how this in-out relationship could take place.

      Notice that all this reality "theory" I have been and will be proposing there is completely shattered if we assume that OR is all part of SRs own self-creation process, that is, that the world we think we live in nothing but a dream. I will not even cover that possibility because I know it has been covered by professional philosophers in the past and, form my perspective, such an argument leaves little room for interesting discussions.
