Monday, February 13, 2012

The Beauty in Things

Each day that passes by makes me more convinced we live in a beautiful world. There are so many justifications for such a cliché sentence, most of which are potentially subject to extensive subjective debate. Nevertheless, I will do my best to summarize and justify these reasons below.
  1. How infinitesimal, powerless, naive and infantile humankind is compared to all that surround us. We cannot even keep track of our own race's history. This feeling of awe when I look up at the sky, day or night, or examine close-up a three trunk, bug, earth, leaf, stone or puddle. There is so much beauty in all ordinary things.
  2. This world is so full of wonderful mysteries that we will never understand. There is a beauty in knowing how little you know about the world and that we all need to take a leap of faith when dealing with our daily lives, hoping that no unknown will carry us off. 
  3. The fragility and impermanence of our race and planet are so beautiful and admirable. All the biochemical reactions, ecosystems, synergy. There is so much we rely on, so much that enables us to be who we are, so much we take for granted, so much we let vanish unnoticed. Every species intertwined in this web of life we call nature, which is part of a larger planetary system of heat, cold, water, air, light and so much more.
  4. The sincere smile of a soulful miserable human. It seems that the less you have outside the more you have inside and vice-versa. That is so beautiful. It is a confirmation for me that "God writes right for pie lines".
  5. The grace of women. Their voice, smile, walk, smell, empathy, everything. It is magical, it might be just hormones, but this man-woman perfect match is just beautiful. More than that, and regardless of the gender identities involved, the biochemistry of passion and love is simply magical.
  6. The innocence, purity, spontaneity, frankness and charisma of a child  that disarms the stiffest of men. They are beautiful. I wish I could come back to those days at least for a moment.
  7. The humor, knowledge and tolerance of the elderly with us less experienced. It is beautiful to see an enthusiastic old man talk about his past or pass his experience on often the most trivial of tasks.
  8. Feelings in general. Love, passion, lost, regret, hope, peace, joy, trust, pain, relief, faith, compassion.
  9. It is beautiful to know that, despite the misconstructions of our society, one need nothing but himself to be a moral person.
  10. The beauty of the complicated human behavior. Much as I am aware of what is right and wrong, of what I really want for my life, of what step I need to take, I still procrastinate, hesitate, and even put effort towards attaining contradicting results. The constant battle between reason and instinct, angel and beast.
  11. Our sensory pleasures: conversations, sounds, music, food, quenching, caress, sex, smells, and everything we see.
  12. The fact that the part of us that is used to create our children actually  generates non-aged cells, cells that are not as old as our age during the child's inception. How marvelous it is that the cycle of life can make species persist and evolve indefinitely. 
  13. Transformation (creation, destruction or reconstruction) is beautiful not only by the hands of humans, but by nature and the universe.
Yes, the world is beautiful, and I am looking forward to my next day in this invigorating and ever surprising existence.

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