If you can put up with the textual content below, you can probably put up with anything else that is written in this blog. This and general coding is what I aim to be covering in this blog.
1) Assume UFOs = true. Then, what are humans for them?
a - Cattle;
b - Lab rats;
c - Themselves before or later;
d - Attractions;
e - Labor;
f - Art;
g - All of the above.
2) What percentage of the time would you say humans act rationally. Before answering think about:
- How humans defend animals rights and are against abortion, but torture, kill and eat animals and have them as pets;
- Praise religious moral rules at the same time that they don't follow them or use them to kill one another;
- Refrain from maintaining or repairing most things until they are completely broken;
- Invest more of their time in science and technology as opposed to social welfare.
3) What do you think the main problem of human kind is?
a - Miscommunication;
b - Intolerance/disrespect;
c - Hypocrisy;
d - Selfishness.
e - Laziness;
f - Other.
4) If God is all around, how can people not believe He exists? Isn't believing in God the same as accepting that we do not know the purpose of everyone's existence? Hence, can non-believers be called ignorants or hypocrites? Explain your answer.
5) If you were to associate human behavior with either of these sayings, which one would you pick as the best?
a) Seeing is believing;
b )Believing is seeing;
c) Belief is blinding;
d) Disbelief is lethal.
6) How happy are you for others?
7) How much of what you have do you really need?
8) How much do you really need of what you don't have?
9) In a time where global awareness through computers and information on the tip of our fingers, where are our legs and arms to make us move forward?
10) Look into yourself and admire your naked soul. What is it asking from you? Answer its requests promptly.
Congratulations, you have passed the follower initiation test! :)
1 - Humans, as UFOs, are living beings or complex structures of matter that can self organize a replicate themselves.
ReplyDelete2 – Human never act only rationally. Ever.
3 – All of the above. Selfishness being the first reason.
4 – Who said God exists? I don’t see a relation between not knowing why we’re here and the existence of God. You can call anyone anything. For further explanation see http://jornaldoprofeta.blogspot.com/2012/01/algo-0003.html
5 – Believing is seeing
6 – I didn’t understand the question but I’m happier for others than for myself.
7 – I have less than I need. See I don’t have a remunerated job.
8 – Enough to kill me.
9 – Mine are resting.
10 – A blowjob, a can of glue or instant death. Unfortunately can’t answer none of these requests.
You passed! :)