Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Soul of the Matter

In a previous post I have mentioned subjective reality (SR), which is the reality as we perceive it, and objective reality (OR), which is reality as it is. I have also indirectly claimed the following equality:

 God = reality (OR)

In addition, I have claimed, or meant to claim, the following:

reality contains nature
reality contains SR
reality contains the universe

This post is a continuation to that topic. I am going to present a second part of this religious-existential digression of mine.

I would like to present a more philosophical perspective on the differences between OR and SR. They are both realities, so why can't they have the same amount of omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent power?

They are realities in different stages of growth. I interpret OR as a mature reality, which has already learned its own true power after a period of self-discovery and understanding. SR, on the other hand, is still going through the process of learning about itself, how to control its potential and use it for its own self-preservation and further growth as a reality.

An SR can only go through the process of self-knowledge by being immersed into a reality that can guide it along the way: an OR. I imagine SRs as fetal realities in the womb of the mother reality OR. While immersed in OR, SRs attempt to learn about OR and confront their own existence and the existence of the rest of the OR.

During this immersion process, SRs are embodied in a subpart of OR, that is,  in a human body, but perhaps also as any other animal, vegetable or inanimate body or piece of matter that is part of reality. SRs may or may not attain self-knowledge during their period of existence in reality. Their level of self-knowledge determines their maturity in assuming their role as an omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient (OOO) entity, an OR.

In summary, subjective realities are objective realities that are not yet fully aware of themselves. This process of questioning and self-knowing could be understood as the process of a human being seeking to reach an enlightened or holy state.

The boundaries imposed by the body capsule that contains SR inside OR, however, limits its power as an OR even if the SR actually has reached a higher state of self-knowledge or awareness.

There are many questions that arise when such a relationship between SR and OR is defined. The ones that come to my mind are listed below:
  • How is each SR assigned a specific subpart of reality to exist in?
  • What if an SR never becomes self-knowing during its period of bodily existence in OR?
  • What happens once an SR has reached a high state of self-awareness? In other words, when is it mature enough to be aware of its OOO and inner power or potential?
I will try to explain the possible answers I have come up with for each of these questions in the posts to follow. And, if I lack answers for these or if my answers are not good enough, hopefully a by-pass reader will come up with something better and write it in here.

P.S.: Author internal and conflictive self-argument in evaluation of this post:
 - Yes, this post is the final blow on the readers who actually thought they could benefit from following this blog. Well done! This was a perfect post to confirm to others you are a complete lunatic.

 - Well, a writer writes, if to no other, to please his own ego. Hence, I am OK with seeing my readers go. Nice having you around.

 - Ha! I want to see you say that when people start criticizing you for being condescending in your analogies between serious religious concepts and the banalities/delusions coming out of your chaotic mind.

 - Well, every men is free to express their own ideas as long as they do not cause harm to others. In the same manner that I show respect for others following their own beliefs (religious, political, cultural, etc.), others should also show respect for my own quest for meaning, self-discovery and creative expression.

 - Theoretically, that is what is supposed to happen, if humanity was civilized. However, you know people are not like that, right? You are not that naive, are you? Some people put more power in words than they should, my friend. You should ponder a little bit more about the reality of things before putting your and my writer's $%* in the line.

 - Yes, I guess you are right. I am running a risk by writing this kind of material. But I will take my chances. I have always wanted to express my ideas to the world. And, after all, I am on the side of reason: Live free or ... hm ...

 - OK, good luck then.

 - Thanks.


  1. Looking foward for the answers and I adding one more question to the pack: does SR continue to exist after the end of it's bodly counterpart?

    1. The question is added to my blog to-write-about list. Well, I have already come up with some answers to this one and will explain them in one of my future posts, but hopefully you will come up with better explanations than mine.

  2. I commented on the other post before reading this one! This is a follow-up comment, then, seeing as I can expand my first one… ;)
    Anyhow, I really can’t see the claimed motherly dependency of SR to the OR, neither the need of SR to become OR. As I said, they’re both realities (two sides of the same coin), each one existing in its own right, without hierarchy between them.
    First, OR and SR are not equal. A painting, in OR, is but that; in SR, it may mean a memory of someone, a feeling. On the other hand, given the limitations of life (until nowadays, that is…) and the definitions of SR and OR, SR reflects only a portion of the immensity of OR.
    Second, I assume you’ll agree that there’s only one OR, on which all SR’s are based upon. There would be as many SR’s as there are sentient beings, right? I think so. Considering this, I believe that, even in the semi-infinity of SR’s, there’s also no hierarchy between them all. Because if each being has its own view of OR, based on their inner feelings, their past experiences, their knowledge, beliefs, and every other thing that makes it unique, the also their SR is unique. In a way, you could say that the being is OOO in its own SR.
    Becoming OR would mean losing that uniqueness, the individuality of the sentient being. Seeing how the way we feel directly influences our SR, it would mean the end of feelings (one of the reasons life is beautiful!!).

    1. From my perspective, many of the questions you raised depend upon two important factors:

      1) Whether one assume/believe there is one or there are more than one OR. I have still not reached a conclusion on whether either of these is true. Perhaps by discussing this topic in the coming posts we will be able to come up a convincing arguments that will favor either of the sides.

      2) How one interprets the relationship between SR and OR. This is again dependent on whether there is only one true reality or not.

      Because the assumption of the existence of one or more OR is so decisive in allowing such discussion move on, I feel compelled to explain the theories I have been able to come up with to explain both of these possibilities. They will hopefully answer most of the questions you and Boto de Gatas have asked. They could also make these questions even harder to answer or raise a new array of question.

      My main concern is really how many posts it will take me to explain all that. I will do my best to be concise.

    2. Please, don't be concise. I mean, if you don't mind my also non-concise comments...
