Preface: Go figure, I am not always right.
In previous posts about the Reality Unification Theory (RUT), I have alluded to the idea that reality needs to evolve over time. I have now realized such a line of thought has at least one tiny little flaw which I am going to explore in this post.
A warning to the physicists: I am not one of you. This post may not make any sense from the Physics point-of-view. Please, turn on your b%$&s#@* sensors and let me know if they detect huge offenses to the state-of-the-art in Theoretical Physics. Or, alternatively, turn it off and enjoy the read as much as possible. :) For the non-physicists, don't be intimidated by the title. My post is not as complicated as the title least that is what I hope.
The flaw in RUT is the following. If Reality is everything, than why is time not part of reality. For reality to evolve, it needs to evolve over time. This means that time itself is not something that is part of reality, but rather something on which reality depends in order to evolve. In other words, reality is everything but time. Time rules over reality. Therefore, time is awesome and reality is a sucker?! This idea does not seem to make sense to me.
If reality is supposed to be everything, it should include time itself. The implications of that claim however are numerous and they go against many concepts proposed in RUT. I will try to describe my thoughts on this matter next.
Space and Time
If reality includes time then reality no longer evolves over time. Instead time becomes part of the reality in the same way that space does. This means I am on the same boat as Einstein and Minkowski when they say that time and space are interrelated. I mean, the guys were geniuses, who would disagree with them? However, I am not sure if they really are a single dimension (spacetime), and this is probably because I haven't read enough on that topic to be honest. Nevertheless, I believe that if space is finite, time should also be finite. If space is infinite, time should also be infinite. If space is cyclical, time should also be cyclical.
Much like we can associate X, Y and Z as coordinates of space, we could create X,Y, Z, T (for time) as coordinates in universe or reality space. Sounds reasonable right? And, obviously, it is not a new idea. Most of us know or seem to agree that the fourth dimension of the universe is time. But is that all? Is there really only four dimensions? Is time a dimension or simply the effect perceived by the change of other dimensions? Aren't there other dimensions out there just waiting to be discovered. I know, I should go read some string theory before I continue. Well, I believe there are at least a few more dimensions there, such as the order and tropic dimensions, the latter potentially being a set of dimensions. Let us step through it slowly so that neither you, the reader, nor me, the writer, gets confused in the process of explaining it.
The Present, the Laws of Nature and the Initial State of the Universe
Imagine that, at a certain moment in you life, you have to make a decision whose choices may lead you through completely different paths in your life. Depending on the decision you take, your life will develop differently, right? Now, imagine that all possible options that you have to choose could be organized in a tree-like structure that sorts them over time. That would be a pretty big tree, huh? I mean, at a single moment in time, there are an uncountable number of paths or actions one could take, what to say about the paths across your entire life? And if time is continuous, there is no such thing as taking a path at a certain point in time. Therefore, there is really no such tree, or if it exists, it has an infinite number of branches distributed along the continuity of time. And that is where the fifth dimension comes in. It is the dimension of possibility, the tropic dimension. But do possibilities really exist or is everything predetermined?
Now, Let us assume for a moment that we don't have free-will. In other words, all of our actions and the actions of other sensory and non-sensory entities are defined by a set of complex inter-being inter-matter physico-chemical interactions that result in us deciding to take one path or another in each and every point in our lives. Whether the rules allow for random processes to occur is just a matter
of how the rules are defined. For the sake of simplification, let us assume for now that there is no
randomness events in any reality level, be it at the subatomic or any other level. This means that the current state of reality, what is ordinarily called the present, is predetermined by the repercussion of applying the laws of nature to a certain initial universe state over time.
But what defines the initial state of the universe? What defines the rules of nature? Could they be defined by multiple reality dimensions? What are they composed of? Ok, here is my software-engineer-biased take on this. Are you ready?
A Classification of Variables in the Experiment of Reality
Call it whatever you want: dimensions, properties or variables. They are the
aspects of the universe that have some influence on the way
things are or will be. I like to see them as knobs in the huge panel of
reality. Hence I am going to call them variables, which make part of a
huge reality experiment.
Based on my assertions on the previous subsections, I believe the variables that define reality can be divided into the following groups: state, order, transition rate and tropic variables.
State Variables
These are the ones that define a state of the universe and are currently known as the three dimensions. At least these are the ones I am aware of. Maybe physicists have found others. They define a static state for
reality. State variables can be changed because their changes is what differentiates one reality state from another.
State Order Variables
It is a single variable and defines the order
between different states of reality. States do not have to be counted. The order variable
does not need a number, it just needs to define an order for the states
of reality. The state order variable cannot be changed. Although it can be confounded with time, it is not. A previous state of reality can re-occur in the future, and thus give the impression of a change backwards in time without nevertheless affecting the value of the state order variable itself.
A change in the state order variable would simply affect the way reality states transition. In other words, it could affect how much reality will transition at each step. Reality could either not transition at all, or it could transition to multiple states simultaneously. And, if I am not mistaken, if reality transitions to all other plausible states according to the rules defined by the tropic variables (see more below), then we would have what is called a multiverse, which defines all possible states of the same reality.
Transition Variable
Simply put, it defines how fast reality transitions between subsequent states. Again, multiple transitions can happen at the same time or not. In computer terms, this would be the frame rate of reality. Time would then be the perceived as the effect of reality state transitions. Since things can only happen as fast as realty state transitions can take place, the speed of transition becomes time itself. There is no other measure, since we can't measure what happens between states of the universe, because the state transition is the fastest thing that can happen. The question now is how does that relate to the speed to light? Can the speed of light be used to measure how fast reality transitions between subsequent states?
Tropic Variables
These are the main variables that define the rules behind transitioning of reality states. The tropic variables literally rule the world... and the rest of reality. They are the ones that determine how transition between states of reality take place. The rules that determine how gravity affects mass, how particles behave, how fast light travels, etc. It determines the behavior of reality state variables and to what state reality should transition.
They are called tropic instead of entropic or syntropic simply because they can turn the reality into either the way of chaos or order. It does not really matter, as long as they determine the next state reality should be in.
Controlling the Variables of Reality
You might now wonder, if there are variables, then there is someone or something that has control over them. Who or what is it? Do we have any control over it?
Do you think you can alter reality state variables? Can you distort spacetime? I think that simply by existing we already do that. We are capable of altering spacetime and whatever other state variables are, though in a pretty small scale. So yes, I would say we cal alter state variables.
What about the order and tropic variables? Now that would be really cool to do. Can you imagine being able to change the rules of the universe? Better yet, to affect to how many states the universe transitions to? What about changing the randomness of quantum physics?
If we could control the tropic variables, we could potentially go back to a previous state (time travel) or determine our own and everything else's future. Now, while some have already claimed to know how to do part of that using the power of the mind, I must admit to still be "a little bit" skeptical about the whole process. Others have even attracted UFOs using meditation techniques. I mean, we can't deny the powers these guys claim to have are awesome.
That being said, I am not saying any of that is either possible or impossible. In fact, in previous posts I myself have proposed a theory of reality in which this was possible. Moreover, if you think about it, the more we expand our concepts of how the universe works and identify ways to affect some of its dimensions/variables, the more variables that are used to control these variables are going to be found. This way, there might be an endless quest for the ultimate controller variable for everything. The only way to go around this issue would be if there were a cycle between controller and controlled. And that's where I see some truth in these "power-of-the-mind" experiments we see nowadays. It allows reality itself to control its own behavior.
The Imperceptible and the Perceptible Control of Reality
In the same way we can control the visible dimensions by controlling ours and other bodies or mass, I don't think it is not impossible that our mind (or thoughts, or soul or whatever you want to call it) is capable of controlling other reality dimensions. After all, we really don't know much about what our brain can do, other than what is associated with activities in the visible reality.
Having the guts of reality (us and everything else int it) control the future of reality makes perfect sense to me. We already know that for a fact. You can control your own fate at least in good part through the actions you take in your own life. In fact, we constantly affect the physical world and other beings around us by simply existing or by interacting with them.
To me, being able to affect other dimensions of reality is a mere extension of what we already know to be true. Simply because we cannot yet use well enough our senses (five or more?) and capabilities, it does not mean we are not doing it "involuntarily" and affecting a multitude (all) of reality dimensions. I mean, we have no idea of all the consequences of our actions even when we are consciously taking them anyway.
Additionally, perhaps the effects of our extra-sensory actions may not impact us directly, but still have an impact in reality overall. It would be similar to the wind, which cannot be seen, but its effects can be perceived. There are some things that we see happen without knowing the reason behind them. I am not saying that somethings are not caused by an overwhelming amount of factors that are visible but cannot be humanly comprehended at once. I am saying that there might be forces of Nature (reality) that we are not yet fully aware of. I mean, we did not know subatomic particles or dark matter until a few "moments" ago right.
Criticized though I may be by close and distant readers, I believe there is some truth to meditation and control and exploration of the mind in that regard. I believe it goes beyond affecting our body's well being. It teaches us mind skills which I have the impression are more than ordinary relaxation techniques. I think it is a gateway to something more. Meditation and its derivative activities might be an initial step towards livening a dormant part of ourselves, which might be capable of unimaginable things, including controlling unknown reality variables.
Perhaps we can alter time or tweak the rules of nature. Perhaps the powers of Jesus and other religious heroes are actually attainable by all ordinary men. Perhaps it is just a matter of really knowing other parts of reality and inner parts of ourselves.
Navigating Reality Towards a Safe Shore
I believe we can always change reality, be it only at the state, order or tropic level.
It only depends on us to decide what is going to be the next state we want the reality around us to be, and then take the action towards making that real. Let us use our knowledge of reality to move it towards the
right direction; a direction with less suffering and more justice, joy
and peace. Believe in your powers! Be a reality hero... for real!
As a final remark, I have been concentrating a lot lately on one single thought: winning the lottery! :) If it happens, then we will know for sure that some truth to all I just mentioned above; that there is more to the mind than just philosophy, arts, sciences and the five senses. Or maybe it was just that I got lucky... :)
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